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Happy Easter from Teddy and friends

Happy Easter to all our Ted's Space friends and families.  Teddy and Daisy are enjoying a few days break, time to lie on the couch and have a little snooze!

Teddy has had a very special week introducing the Ted's Space Weighted dogs to our friends at Papakōwhai School.  These weighted dogs are an amazing tool for our young learners when Teddy can't be at school or in their classroom when support is needed.  The weighted dogs provide key sensory modulation, providing tactile feedback through weight and softness.  They love to be cuddled - just like Ted!

These dogs come with a collar and name tag, just like Teddy and are ready to share lots of cuddles and support across the class.  Our young students are naming their dogs and dog beds are being designed and made for the dogs when not in use.  Teddy is looking forward to seeing his weighted friends in class.

If you'd like your own weighted dog, these are available for sale on our website.  All profits assist in making more dogs for us to share with our learners and schools.

Have a great Easter, love and cuddles from Teddy and Daisy. 


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