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Our Programme

Ted’s Space provides animal assisted support for students to create an environment that will support their learning.

We work with students from 5 to 18, currently in Wellington schools, with the hope of expanding across New Zealand Aotearoa.

Facts or Feelings

Ted's Space creates opportunities and a safe, relaxed space for children to access their feelings and unpack the facts around them. 

The programme helps our kids define their experiences through observation and discussion of their feelings and requirements. Through providing support for students we help them move forward with courage and tackle those challenges in their home and school environments that are affecting their ability to fulfil their learning opportunities and conquer any negativity. 

Some of the questions we ask are

  • How are my feelings impacting my observations of the facts?

  • What do I need to exclude?

  • What communication can I observe in others?

  • What do I need to observe?

Therapy dogs

Therapy dogs can support a persons mental health by providing attention and comfort. Interacting with animals has a calming effect and in that calm happy space it becomes easier to talk and feel safe. 

From sensory feedback gained through Teddy's tactile fur and soft slow breathing, to the excitement of completing a trick or racing through an agility course, therapy dogs support holistic wellness for our tamariki providing many opportunities to engage in self-awareness and build self-efficacy.  

“It has been a privilege to be able to have Elizabeth run this Therapy Dog Programme as a pilot this term at our school. Teddy has become part of our staff and together, he and Elizabeth have transformed the learning experiences of the students involved in the programme. The way these children can deal with challenges is changing in a short period of time and we would love to be able to continue to support these children, as well as the ones who are waiting to be included in the programme. There has been a significant gap in interventions available for students with neuro diverse needs and the work that Elizabeth and Teddy do in our school is invaluable."

Why Ted's space?

Run by a primary endorsed teacher with a specialty working with kids with diverse needs, meeting the child's needs is at the centre of what we do. We create a safe, non-judgmental space and read each situation to meet the needs of the student/s we are with in the moment. 

If you're a teacher or work in a school and would like to see Ted's Space come to your school please contact us

Pet Pro Trainer - Sonia

I run a Wellington based dog training business and have been working with Ted’s Space since 2022, ensuring that training foundations are tuned up to allow the dogs to operate comfortably in their environments. I love checking in with Teddy, Willow and Daisy and being a part of their road journey to success

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