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Teddy recognised in Wellington K9 Gold Awards

The Wellington Gold Awards in association with The Post celebrate excellence and enterprise of businesses in the Greater Wellington Region and Horowhenua.

In 2022 Teddy was nominated for and won the the K9 Gold Award. 

The FIND Judges comments:

TEDDY is not only an office dog. He is a Brand and a Business in his own right. He is the CEO of Ted's Space. He works full-time as a therapy dog giving his (patent pending) "Warm-Fluffy-Hugs" and getting paid in tickles and more love.

Elizabeth McKee - his human and co-founder of Teds Space - tells us "Teddy is a pet therapy dog who works at schools in Upper Hutt and Porirua, supporting our young learners to build skills through a range of activities that bring humans and animals to walk side-by-side.  We use trick training to build resilience, dog education, sensory awareness and key skills of courage, compassion and consent. Teddy LOVES working with our students and he is clearly loved by them too! Teddy's main job is providing much needed cuddles and support where ever it is needed!

Teddy and his human Elizabeth had a wonderful time at Animates Vetcare NZ deciding how to spend his prize. Here they are with all the (primarily edible) booty..... Thanks to FIND Recruitment for sponsoring this special Award.


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