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What people say...

We love hearing from the teachers, principals, students and parents of students we've worked with. Hearing about the impact Ted's Space has had warms our hearts and reinforces why we love to do what we do. 

"Our daughter has had the privileged opportunity to participate in ‘Teddy’s Classroom Support Programme’ this year at our Upper Hutt school and absolutely loved it - it’s been a highlight of her week! The programme has allowed her to work with a small group of girls with similar challenges, a teacher and a very loveable dog to learn together, share together and celebrate together in a safe environment. Through the programme our daughter has been able to develop skills and strategies to help her be more confident and resilient in the classroom and everyday situations she faces. Our daughter has definitely benefited from this valuable programme, and in turn so has our family. We would love to see this programme continue and be available for more students and their families so they can reap the benefits and live enhanced lives too."

"Thank you for inviting me to share the 'Teddy' experience from my perspective as a teacher. I really appreciate the way you and Teddy come into my classroom and just 'hang out' to get an idea of the needs of the children we have identified as possibly benefiting from working with Teddy. Over the years that you and Teddy have been involved with students from my class, you have worked especially with those students who have experienced trauma. By setting a plan together that focuses on key skills such as resilience, empathy and consent, these lucky students have been fully supported to reach their goals. You feed back information around their individual goals and then give me tips for how to continue developing these skills in class.

Working with Teddy gives these students opportunities to experience one to one learning in a most loving and supportive environment. I have also personally appreciated cuddles from Teddy when experiencing trauma of my own. Teddy just seems to know when someone needs a cuddle!

All the best for your amazing and much appreciated future work through Ted's Space."

"The experiences that Elizabeth and Teddy have been able to provide for our daughter, in a school/educational context, are invaluable.

Our daughter looks forward to days with Teddy and from my point of view, largely through her account and stories, provide enrichment to her education, increase the diversity of learning context and bring joy, positivity, connection, achievement and a palpable sense of calmness and ease to her. 

What's more, is that Elizabeth takes the time to record videos and communicate these to parents. From a social learning point of  view, this additional aspect to what Elizabeth and Teddy bring to our daughters education bridges the school/home gap to enable stories and narratives to be constructed, explored and reflected upon.

Mostly, what Elizabeth and Teddy add to our daughters experience of school is an ever-evolving trusted and safe relationship and space where she can be herself, shelter from the challenges of navigating her social labyrinth, have some fun, laugh, feel purpose and a sense of achievement."

"Teddy has visited our class of year 3 and 4 students as they were interested to find out more about how Teddy helps students. From this initial visit I saw the impact he had on a student who finds it hard to regulate his emotions. They instantly bonded, with the student relaxing beside Teddy. He loved the calmness Teddy brought and that he could cuddle him. Since then Teddy has visited a few times for cuddles, walks and to show the students the tricks that he can do. 

We all love Teddy visiting. It is a special part of the day, in particular for my student."

"We were incredibly lucky to have Elizabeth McKee as my sons year 1 teacher when Ted started coming to school and being involved in the classroom. My son spent time reading and writing with Ted and built an amazing bond, on ‘Ted days’ I could see the difference when he came home after school, he was relaxed and happy.

In 2022, we changed schools to our local school. The transition has been incredibly hard on our son. Ted has just started working with our new school, and with Ted back in his classroom our son looks forward to Ted days and the ‘calm’ Ted provides in his overloaded world.

With Ted’s help, my son is able to learn, regulate, participate, focus and be calm. It is difficult to put into words the affect Ted has on my son but it is life changing, watching them together you can see the instant change in him within minutes.

The work Elizabeth and Ted do for young people is nothing short of incredible, I only wish they could receive the funding they deserve in order to make an impact like they have with my son for more young people."

"Teddy and Elizabeth have worked with a range of students in our year 5/6 team since the start of term two 2022. The children really look forward to working with Teddy. We appreciate that when Teddy is working with the students it helps them regulate, breathe and refocus. The children enjoy learning tricks with Teddy and experience success through seeing Teddy respond to the commands they give. We value that Teddy supports the well-being of students in our school."

"My year 5/6 students love when Teddy visits. They often ask throughout the week if Teddy is coming in today. They have learnt fantastic lessons in communication and confidence. They feel settled when Teddy wanders by as they work. It has helped a student of mine remain regulated for a longer period of time. I look forward to continuing to work with Elizabeth and Teddy."


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